#10 Surfskate Training Schemes with Cones and Surfskate Waves.

Surfskate cone drills are a key part of perfecting your surf maneuvers on flat, because these surf propedeutic exercises with surfskate allow you to repeat the movement until it becomes an automatism.

One of the great advantages of this type of training with a surfskate is that by training on a flat area with the surfskate you can dissect the surfing maneuver you want to learn and perfect every single movement that makes it up.

This results in greater reactivity when performing the maneuver on a wave. And in a short time in a greater number of waves taken and maneuvers performed when you get into the water for your surfing sessions.

Below you will find a selections of surfskate training schemes to be used with cones on flat areas and with Whitezu ONDAzero or Backyard Model surfskate waves.

Generate speed with a surfskate on a flat area - basic pumping.

Generate speed with a surfskate on a flat area - basic pumping.

Generate speed with a surfskate making slalom with cones.

Generate speed with a surfskate making slalom with cones.

Surfskate Training Bottom Turn with training cones.

Surfskate Training Bottom Turn with training cones.

Surfskate endless Bottom Turn training cones scheme.

Surfskate endless Bottom Turn training cones scheme.

Surfskate training Bottom Turn with Whitezu ONDAzero.

Surfskate training Bottom Turn with Whitezu ONDAzero.

Surfskate training Rail to Rail with cones and ONDAzero surfskate wave.

Surfskate training Rail to Rail with cones and ONDAzero surfskate wave.

Surfskate training Off the Lip with ONDAzero surfskate wave and cones.

Surfskate training Off the Lip with ONDAzero surfskate wave and cones.

Surfskate training Roundhouse CutBack with Whitezu ONDAzero and cones.

Surfskate training Roundhouse CutBack with Whitezu ONDAzero and cones.

Surfskate training Cut Back Re-Entry with cones on a flat area.

Surfskate training Cut Back Re-Entry with cones on a flat area.

Surfskate Cut Back Re-entry-training with cones and ONDAzero surfskate wave.

Surfskate Cut Back Re-entry-training with cones and ONDAzero surfskate wave.

The surfskate training patterns you find in these diagrams do not report the distance between the training cones.

The distance between the cones and between the different sections of a surf maneuver pattern can be variable based on the level of your surf.

As a general rule.

  • If you are a beginner, you will need more space between the cones.

  • If you are an advanced surfskater the room for maneuver will be tighter.

If your surfskate training goal is to improve your surfing in the water, then you must learn to gradually reduce the spaces in which you perform the maneuvers.

As a guideline, you can start by putting a distance of about 3 to 6 times the wheelbase of your surfskate between the various training cones and/or the various sections of the wave you are going to draw with the cones. Then proceed to expand or shrink it after a bit of testing.

Another variable you need to consider when building your surfskate and cone training pattern is the size of the wave you want to try the maneuver on or the wave conditions you are used to surfing on.

In general, training in tight spaces will help you to improve your technique and progress quickly even in situations of poorly formed sea and small waves.

Ultimately this will help you to get more waves and have more fun in the water even when the conditions for surfing are not the ideal ones.

The goal here is always to have a better surfing experience and more time on the wave.

Thanks to the innovations in skateboard truck design introduced by pioneers such as Carver Skateboards, Smoothstar, Yow, SwellTech and later adopted by many other brands, a wide range of surfskateboards and truck systems are now available with which you can train your maneuvers.

Today, thanks to the surfskates you can repeat the motor and muscle patterns of the maneuvers out of the water up to a thousand times in a day before trying them again in the water at the next surf session.

For this reason, you have to be careful not to make mistakes exponentially worse. Our suggestion is to rely on experienced instructors and coaches who can direct and correct your workouts out of the water.

Below is a summary of the basic surfing maneuvers that you can start to train on a flat area using training cones, ONDAzero, Backyard Model or a combination of these and later transfer on a Pro-Training spot.

Feel free to share these cards with a friend who loves surfskate training as much as you do.

And remember: “The best surfer out there is the one having the most fun. "

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